“It’s Morphin’ Time!” The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was a 1993 hit TV series, featuring colourful teenage Superheroes with ninja skills. Zachary “Zack” Taylor is a fictional character in the Power Rangers universe, appearing in the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He is the first on-screen Black Ranger of Power Rangers. He is dedicated, gutsy, and willing to help anyone in any way possible. After losing his arm, Javi was shocked and in the aftermath, began to doubt his usefulness in the team, especially when he tried to control his cybernetic arm, but he got used to it overtime. Become the mighty Cosmic Fury Black Ranger today!

Digitally printed all-in-one black jumpsuit with felt collar and printed belt featuring Power Ranger emblem
Digitally printed muscle chest
Injection Moulded EVA plastic mask with eye holes to see through and mouth hole. Mask has Velcro and elastic strap to secure at rear
Shoes not included
This is an officially licensed Power Rangers product



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Product code: 1001582